2022 Saint James Census
Dear Parishioners,
Located below is the official 2022 Saint James Family Census Form. I ask every household to complete and return the information by September 11, 2022. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the office at 724-668-2829.
Having more accurate information will help us to know and be better able to serve the pastoral and spiritual needs of our parishioners. We absolutely need your assistance to complete this project. Our goals are to:
- Increasing our ability to communicate with you.
- Identify all registered households/individuals and update their demographic and sacramental information.
- Remove from parish records any families/individuals who are no longer parishioners or adult family members who no longer live in the New Alexandria area.
- Register separately as adult family members all young adults over the age of 18 since they are no longer children. This is new.
Please pray for the success of this effort and help us get it done as soon as possible.
Sincerely in Christ,
The Very Reverend Tyler J. Bandura, VF, Pastor