
Organizations at Saint James

​Saint James Parish is home to a number of organizations meant to spread God's goodwill to those in need. Please contact our parish office for more information about any of our organizations. 

Outreach Ministry

​This service group has taken on various projects to assist the parish and community. Its purpose is to define needs that are relevant to us and develop ways to assist.

Members meet monthly to discuss and plan various events. These include: monthly blood pressure screenings by nurses after weekend Masses, and our Christmas projects (The Dove Wreath, gifts to the less fortunate, and Christmas parties at our local nursing homes).

We have also brought in speakers on issues from Living Wills to CPR. This group is responsible for and operates our Parish Prayer Chain. Health tips are also published on bulletin board and bulletin inserts.


Holy Name Society

​The purpose of the Holy Name Society is to honor the holy name of Jesus and to service the parish.

The men usually meet the second Sunday of each month, around 8:30 a.m., before Mass begins to go over the upcoming calendar of events. All the men of the parish are welcome to join the Holy Name Society and to be a part of all of their services to the parish.

The men serve in many ministries, including altar servers, lectors, extraordinary ministers, choir members, and ushers. They keep the grounds looking top notch by cutting the lawn, trimming the shrubs, cleaning the ground, planting grass seed and replacing the shrubs, while paying for all the expenses.

They are ready to give a helping hand in whatever needs to be done at the church, from changing light bulbs to plumbing, and have saved the parish thousands of dollars over the years.

Saint James Holy Name Society and Rosary Altar Society work very well together. The men cook the breakfast for three fundraisers a year in the winter, spring and fall. The Rosary Altar Society gathers the women of the parish to help waitress, prepare a set up and clean up crew, along with organizing a bake sale, raffle, finances and getting the word out to the public regarding the event.

When there are fellowship events they are there working together to make the event successful and sharing the expenses.

Whenever there is a spiritual event, they are there to pray and help out in whatever the need may be to make the event successful.

The Holy Name members enjoy being a part of the parish family, whether it is a spiritual event such as a pilgrimage or day of recollection, fundraising, fellowship or working around the grounds doing everything for the greater good of God and Saint James Parish. They have become great friends, which makes our parish a happy and joyful family.


Mr. Dave McNaughton - President

 Mr. Todd Gilliott - Vice President

Mr. Jeff Rouse - Secretary

Mr. Robert Butala - Treasurer 


Rosary Altar Society

​Saint James Rosary Altar meetings are usually held the second Thursday of each month except the months of June, July and August. The meetings begin with the Rosary at 6:30 p.m. followed by the meeting and a social at 7:00 p.m. in the church hall. Membership is always open. We are hoping to have many others join our society in September, and our first meeting. This is a great way to meet the parishioners of Saint James and to become involved in our parish activities. You will make lifetime friends and experience great joy serving our parish.

The Rosary Altar Society has been serving the parish community since 1907. At one time every woman in the parish was considered a member of the Rosary Altar Society. Our present membership is around thirty active members.

The first Sunday of every month is Communion Sunday where we come together to pray the rosary before the 9:30 a.m. Mass, and then attend Mass.  Members serve as ministers for Mass as altar servers, lectors, extraordinary Eucharistic ministers, cantors, choir members, and ushers.

After Mass, members take the Eucharist to the homebound. 

For years now, we come together the second Wednesday of the month to pray Marian Prayers, which includes all the mysteries of the Rosary for the many intentions in our parish special intention book.

Over the years the Rosary Altar Society members have become special friends as we pray, work and play together. Spiritually we have sponsored Days of Recollections, pilgrimages to shrines and churches, and participated in local as well as diocesan religious events. We work with our Holy Name Society for fundraisers and socials. We take care of the expenses for altar servers and priests vestments, altar cloths and any other expenses that we may have.

As a service for the parish family and others, when requested, we prepare luncheons after funerals. We provide hospitality for meetings, cover-dish dinners for Christmas, Mother/Daughter/Friend Banquet, First Communion, Confirmation receptions after Mass and other parish events are requested by our pastor.

Spiritual Benefits

A Mass is offered for each members and immediate family when there is a death. The Rosary, if possible, is prayer for the repose of the soul at the funeral home. As an affiliate of the National Council of Catholic Women, we receive prayer intentions at all National and Diocesan Catholic Women Events all over the United States. We have a prayer chain with around thirty people. All we need is a phone call and the chain gets started and the prayer begins to flow for people all over.


Mrs. Angel Gillott - President

Mrs. Martha Ebert - Vice President

Mrs. Jill Henry - Secretary

Ms. Patricia Yantos - Treasurer